Sunday, 17 November 2013

Infection and infertility

Infection and infertility

Infection has close relation with female infertility problem. When a couple is investigated for infertility problem, we always make sure that the infection tests are performed. More than 40 percent women are diagnosed with some or the other infection during investigations and we treat it before starting infertility treatment.

The most common infections are:

Mycoplasma or Ureaplasma infection

These infections cause blockage in the fallopian tube, the prime cause of female infertility. These bacteria paralyze the internal part of fallopian tube and matured egg can’t travel to the uterus. There are no clear symptoms of these infections and we need to do minute level investigation to find out the problem.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection could be a cause of infertility in some cases. It is difficult to diagnose and detailed investigation can throw light on it. Fungal infection affects the ovulation process and causes problems in the development of fetus.
Yeast infection is the most common type of fungal infection. White and thick discharge and itchiness in the vagina are the most common symptoms. It is caused by a fungus that grows in moist and dark areas. Tight innerwear could be one of the main reasons of yeast infection. Also, taking antibiotics also cause this infection because they kill the harmful and good bacteria that otherwise keep a check on yeast infection.

Pelvic infection

In some cases, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID is also found responsible for infertility problem. Sometimes it remains undiagnosed and women are not even aware about the presence of PID. Usually it occurs due to sexually transmitted infection. If STI remains untreated, then it affects entire pelvic region. Bacteria are responsible for this infection and it affects vagina, the inner linings, fallopian tubes, ovaries and even the uterus. It may take a few

months to get rid of pelvic infection.

Bacteria cause inflammation in the reproductive system and pregnancy becomes impossible. Tissues develop scars and prevent the fertilization process. Sperms can’t survive and unable to reach to the egg. Pain in the lower abdomen, fever, foul smell in the vaginal discharge and pain during intercourse or urination are the most visible signs of pelvic infection. Irregular periods are also one of the indications. PID takes a lot of time to cure and early diagnosis results in early cure. Spotting between two periods and burning sensation in the urinary tract are the other common symptoms.

Vaginal infection

Bacteria cause various types of vaginal infections and some of them could lead to infertility. Overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina affects the inner lining and cause infertility problems. These infections need to be treated with heavy antibiotics.

Sometimes allergies could also cause bacterial infection in the vagina. Avoiding the symptoms of allergy improves the situation and sometimes the infection gets cured automatically. However, sometimes we need to give heavy antibiotics to get rid of it.

A bacterial infection can block the reproductive system, damage the sperms, and change the chemical composition in the uterus and cause miscarriages and premature births. Careful treatment removes bacterial infection and improves the chances of pregnancy.

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