Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Sperm Morphology, a strange dimension of male infertility

Sperm Morphology, a strange dimension of male infertility

As an infertility expert I need to look into every case minutely. Female infertility is still easier to handle as compared to male infertility because it has clear clues. Male infertility, on the other hand, is quite complicated and the symptoms are similar.

Semen analysis is the major tool to know about the sperm quality. The number of sperms and sperm movement can be captured by the semen analysis. We see another angle that is equally important to determine male fertility (or infertility) levels. It is the sperm morphology or shape of the sperm.

Kruger’s morphology: the effective method

We use a special test to know about the shape of sperms. This test is called as Kruger’s morphology method. Historically, this test was tried to measure the chances of success in fertility treatment like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). It is the method of fertilizing the female egg in the laboratory by mixing sperms and matured egg.Very recently scientists have tried it to establish the need of ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) method where sperms are injected directly in the core the egg.

What is a healthy sperm?

A healthy sperm is usually five to six micrometers in length and has a smooth oval shaped tip (head). The thickness of a sperm is 2.5 to 3.5 micrometers. The cap of a sperm covers almost half to two-third part of the head. The shape is welldefined and no deformity is visible. Healthy sperms swim fast and able to reach the matured egg quickly.

Sperm abnormality and infertility

In the normal case, the number of sperms with incorrect morphology is less than 4%. The remaining sperms are enough to fertilize the egg. However, in case of male infertility problem it becomes a crucial factor. In such cases where the sperm quantity or mobility is low, even less than 4% abnormally shaped sperms can cause infertility. This reduction is applicable for normal as well as clinical fertilization.

There has been no link established so far between the sperm morphology and the chromosomes. Even if pregnancy is caused by a deformed sperm, no ill-effects are anticipated. The offspring may inherit tendency of deformed sperms. There has been no correlation found between chromosome linked diseases and the sperm shape.

What is the way out?

There has been extensive research done so far to understand the correlation between lifestyle related factors and sperm morphology. Scientists have found a link between excessive consumption of alcohol/tobacco and sperm shape though. Some drugs also cause bad effect on sperm quality and shape. Caffeine also put harmful effect on the sperm shape.

It is important to adopt good food habits for improving sperm shape. Consumption of vitamins and minerals help a lot. Dietary supplements, multivitamin tablets, fresh fruits and vegetables and protein-rich food improve the sperm quality.

Reduction in weight also helps a lot. Studies indicate direct correlation between overweight and sperm count. Weight reduction helps not only in raising the sperm count, but the morphology as well.
It is possible to correct sperm shape by making corrective changes in the lifestyle.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Hydrosalpinx, the fallopian tube failure

Hydrosalpinx, the fallopian tube failure

Among various causes of infertility Hydrosalpinx is a rare, yet major cause. It is a problem of fallopian tubes, one of the important parts of female reproductive system. It is not very common problem though.

What is Hydrosalpinx?

The problem of Hydrosalpinx occurs when fallopian tubes are filled with fluid. It causes inflammation in the tubes and the ends of the tubes close. The glands secreteafluid that is accumulated in the tubes. The tubes swell like sausage and it is one of the prime symptoms of Hydrosalpinx.

Fallopian tubes are extremely delicate and prone to damage. The shape of fallopian tube is a funnel-shaped core with two arms called fimbria that reach to the ovaries. These arms are responsible for successful movement of the egg from ovaries to the uterus. These arms are equipped with hair like structure to help the movement of matured eggs and sperms. Because of infection and accumulation of fluid, it loses the hairy texture and restricts the movement of sperms and egg. Pregnancy becomes virtually impossible in the presence of Hydrosalpinx.

Reason for Hydrosalpinx

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the two major reasons. Various other reasons as well, e.g. IUD, abdominal surgery and endometriosis are also responsible for it. Inflammation is the common symptom. We need to investigate the basic reason and plan the treatment accordingly.

Hydrosalpinx makes the natural pregnancy impossible and it also cause hindrance to various procedures of infertility treatment. The fluid can reach to the uterus causing changes in the chemical composition. The internal environment of the uterus is critical for successful pregnancy and any minor change may cause severe damage. It causes hormonal imbalance and prevents pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment

HSG, ultrasound testing, laparoscopy and X-ray are the common diagnostic procedures used for detection of Hydrosalpinx. Sometimes multiple rounds of testing are required to diagnose the problem correctly.

Treating Hydrosalpinx is tough indeed. It is possible to repair it in a few cases, but we can’t predict about successful pregnancy. Normally we use Neosalpingostomy, a procedure of making incisions at the end of Hydrosalpinx and folding the edges. However, this method fails sometimes and the tube closes again. The size of Hydrosalpinx and the age of patient are two crucial factors to decide the chances of success. Younger women with smaller Hydrosalpinx and an overall healthy reproductive system recover completely whereas older woman with large Hydrosalpinx have very fewer chances of success.

The tremendous development in IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) has actually removed the need of correcting Hydrosalpinx. We take the eggs from ovaries and fertilize in the laboratory. Placement of the embryo at the correct place is important. It can be achieved through correct drugs that keep the hormone level correct. We don’t worry about Hydrosalpinx because the fallopian tubes are bypassed in the whole process.

Hydrosalpinx is indeed a tough problem, but not impossible to deal with. It is a classic infertility problem that limits the pregnancy rates. Expert reproductive endocrinologists and a team of skilled medical professionals can bring brilliant results.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Do not blame yourself for infertility

Do not blame yourself for infertility
There are various physical and mental consequences of infertility. It is part of the infertility program for me as an infertility expert. I talk to the couples and try to open them as much as possible. Infertility is indeed difficult to deal with and becomes harder with the delays and unsuccessful attempts.

Self blame is a major problem

Among various psychological complexities after getting diagnosed with infertility problem, self blame is the common problem. It is not simple to deal with this issue. Of course, it is not an intentional attempt, but couples do it unknowingly. Couples think that they are the only couple facing with infertility problem. “Why us?” is quite often asked question to the infertility expert. Feeling of depression is the other symptom. It is better to handle the problem at the early stage.

How to deal with it?

Making the couple comfortable is the first goal to carry out successful infertility treatment. Establishing the faith on infertility procedure is the next accomplishment. These two steps become basic building blocks for a successful treatment. As an infertility expert I earn the confidence of my patients about the purity of intention and purpose of infertility treatment.

• Counseling: I counsel the patients by telling the fundamental reasons of infertility problems. Strangely, many people still do not know about male infertility or unexplained infertility. The problem is always linked with the female and therefore, the depression and self blame is more evident in women. It is explained to the couples that only one-third of the cases are contributed by the women and rest all are either because of men or unidentified reasons.

• Meetings: Communication is the key to deal with psychological problems. I organize one-to-one and group meeting with infertile couples. Group meetings give immense relief to the couples because they get rid of “Why us?” syndrome. It is quite shocking for some couples to know that there are many others sailing in the same boat.

• Scientific approach: It is important to explain the scientific reasons and theory behind the specific infertility problem of the couple. Every problem has different factors and those need to be explained to the couple. I tell them about the treatment methods and expected chance of success. We discuss the possibilities of failure as well to set right expectations.

• Positivity: I tell the couples to stop self blaming and start thinking about a bright future. I tell them imagining a joyful life after a successful treatment. Feeling hopeless is a crime because it doesn’t help either. I tell the couples to believe on the treatment and be hopeful. It is absolutely not needed to feel worthless. It is just another physical ailment that should be treated, that’s it!

• Never deal with it alone:The couple must fight with the feeling of self-blame together. Both need to motivate, counsel and help each other in the tough moments of agony and frustration. Combined efforts bring miraculous results.

Treating with self blame is tough, but not difficult. Little determination and will-power makes the difference!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Understanding intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Understanding intrauterine insemination (IUI)
IUI or Intrauterine insemination is a kind of artificial insemination we use for treating infertility problem. It is a specialized technique done in the infertility clinics.

When is it done?

We need to check every aspect of infertility with a fresh perspective because no two cases are similar. There may be similarities in symptoms, but the treatment always differs. We use IUI to resolve many aspects of infertility problem:

a) Donor sperm: When it is diagnosed that the male partner can’t contribute in the process of conception, we decide of using donor sperm. It is a joint decision of the infertile couple and the infertility expert. Frozen sperm specimen istaken from a renowned and registered lab for the IUI procedure.

b) Cases of unexplained infertility: Many infertility cases remain unexplained. We decide of using IUI for artificial insemination using donor sperms.

c) Infertility caused by endometriosis related problems: IUI is the first treatment in such cases of infertility.

d) Male infertility because of motility or morphology problems: In some cases, male can produce enough sperms, but with weak motility (ability to move). In some cases the sperms are abnormal in shape and size. In both cases, sperms can’t penetrate the matured egg and thus, conception becomes impossible. IUI can be effectively used for separating the stronger sperms with high motility.

e) Cervical infertility: The cervical fluid provides ideal environment for sperms to travel. However, cervical fluid changes the chemical composition sometimes and prevents the sperms from entering into the uterus. IVI can be effectively used as the treatment because sperms are directly transferred to the uterus bypassing the cervix.

f) Semen allergy: It is a rare problem when women develop allergy to the seminal fluid. It caused redness, inflammation and burning sensation in the vagina as soon as ejaculation happens. Sometimes the sensitivity becomes so severe that the woman can’t intercourse. IUI helps in these cases because the semen is injected directly in the uterus bypassing the vagina.

Risks and precautions
It is quite simple process and hardly develops any complications. In rare cases, infection happens immediately after the procedure. Spotting and bleeding happens in some cases. IUI does not have the risk of multiple pregnancies. However, it can occur when it is combined with ovulation induction.

The process
IUI is a fairly simple procedure, but we do it under close observation and careful surveillance.

a) We collect the semen sample from the male partner, donor or a frozen semen sample from the lab. Frozen sperm sample is thawed and washed to eliminate the non-sperm elements that may cause harm to the fertilization process.

b) We separate the healthiest and strongest sperms from the semen.

c) We perform diagnostic tests to obtain the exact moment of ovulation. LH hormone measurement and ultrasound tests are the techniques.

d) Separated sperms are injected in the uterus at the most optimal time. The process takes hardly a few minutes and absolutely painless.

We conduct pregnancy test after two weeks of the process. Testing too early may give erroneous results.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Secondary infertility, the peculiar problem

Secondary infertility, the peculiar problem

As an infertility expert, I always give my best to bring happiness in the life of childless couple. It is the most fascinating moment for them to experience the parenthood. Infertility problems have multiple facets and I discover new things at every stage of the career.

I fixed an appointment with a couple who wanted to discuss infertility problem. It wasn’t a normal case of infertility. They were happy parents of a cute baby, but wanted to take one more chance to make it a complete family. They were desperately trying for more than a year, but didn’t get any success. It was definitely a surprising thing for them, but not for me. They were suffering from a peculiar problem known as secondary infertility problem!

What is secondary infertility?

Secondary infertility is a peculiar case of a couple’s inability to conceive after successful childbirth. It is quite frustrating for them, especially when they are trying for the next pregnancy impatiently. The exact statistics of secondary infertility are not known. Many times, couples stop trying after some time and do not consult doctors. Secondary infertility is curable, provided it is diagnosed early. However, the problem has multiple facets and we need to look into every possible reason. It is difficult to deal with secondary infertility, both for the parents and the infertility experts!

It is quite difficult to handle the emotional aspects of secondary infertility. Couples remain in a state of shock and denial. Those who previously had problems feel great mental pressure. For some couples it is a state of utter dismay and frustration. For some couples it is a surprise because they had never experienced it earlier.

According to research, many couples experience secondary infertility problem. Many reasons are responsible for it:
a) Either or both partners develop infertility problem after the first pregnancy.
b) Age
c) Scarring after the first childbirth
d) Stress and other factors associated with lifestyle
e) Hormonal imbalance

Coping with secondary infertility

a) Coping with emotional problems: Secondary infertile couples should not feel depressed and deprived. I always counsel them to look at the brighter side of the life. Surely it is great value-addition to have one more child, but they should think about the childless couples.

b) Coping with physical problems: Secondary infertility treatment is just as primary infertility treatment. Couples have to undergo different tastes and diagnostic procedures. We talk to the patients and explain them about the procedures and the complexities. Secondary infertile couples have never experienced that earlier. Therefore, it is quite shocking and surprising for them. It needs strong determination and dedication to bear the pain and suffering.

c) Coping with social problems: It is perhaps the most difficult part. I always suggest the secondary infertile couples not to share it with friends, colleagues and relatives. Others are inquisitive about every development of infertility treatment and it adds nothing, but frustration and agony.

Secondary infertility problem is an experience that is certainly difficult to cope-up with. You have to be strong and courageous to face it!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Infection and infertility

Infection and infertility

Infection has close relation with female infertility problem. When a couple is investigated for infertility problem, we always make sure that the infection tests are performed. More than 40 percent women are diagnosed with some or the other infection during investigations and we treat it before starting infertility treatment.

The most common infections are:

Mycoplasma or Ureaplasma infection

These infections cause blockage in the fallopian tube, the prime cause of female infertility. These bacteria paralyze the internal part of fallopian tube and matured egg can’t travel to the uterus. There are no clear symptoms of these infections and we need to do minute level investigation to find out the problem.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection could be a cause of infertility in some cases. It is difficult to diagnose and detailed investigation can throw light on it. Fungal infection affects the ovulation process and causes problems in the development of fetus.
Yeast infection is the most common type of fungal infection. White and thick discharge and itchiness in the vagina are the most common symptoms. It is caused by a fungus that grows in moist and dark areas. Tight innerwear could be one of the main reasons of yeast infection. Also, taking antibiotics also cause this infection because they kill the harmful and good bacteria that otherwise keep a check on yeast infection.

Pelvic infection

In some cases, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID is also found responsible for infertility problem. Sometimes it remains undiagnosed and women are not even aware about the presence of PID. Usually it occurs due to sexually transmitted infection. If STI remains untreated, then it affects entire pelvic region. Bacteria are responsible for this infection and it affects vagina, the inner linings, fallopian tubes, ovaries and even the uterus. It may take a few

months to get rid of pelvic infection.

Bacteria cause inflammation in the reproductive system and pregnancy becomes impossible. Tissues develop scars and prevent the fertilization process. Sperms can’t survive and unable to reach to the egg. Pain in the lower abdomen, fever, foul smell in the vaginal discharge and pain during intercourse or urination are the most visible signs of pelvic infection. Irregular periods are also one of the indications. PID takes a lot of time to cure and early diagnosis results in early cure. Spotting between two periods and burning sensation in the urinary tract are the other common symptoms.

Vaginal infection

Bacteria cause various types of vaginal infections and some of them could lead to infertility. Overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina affects the inner lining and cause infertility problems. These infections need to be treated with heavy antibiotics.

Sometimes allergies could also cause bacterial infection in the vagina. Avoiding the symptoms of allergy improves the situation and sometimes the infection gets cured automatically. However, sometimes we need to give heavy antibiotics to get rid of it.

A bacterial infection can block the reproductive system, damage the sperms, and change the chemical composition in the uterus and cause miscarriages and premature births. Careful treatment removes bacterial infection and improves the chances of pregnancy.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Azoospermia, the typical problem of male infertility

Azoospermia, the typical problem of male infertility

Although there has been quite awareness about infertility problem in the recent years, but still many people consider it a problem associated with women. Studies prove that men contribute to one-third of the total infertility problems and women alone can’t be blamed for being childless. I receive so many infertility cases every year and a major chunk of the patients need counseling. They need to be explained about various aspects of male infertility to make the husband ready for tests and investigations.

Theoretically a man is called infertile if he is not able to conceive a fertile woman. The male infertility is more complex and intricate to diagnose and cure. There are multiple aspects of it. Poor quality and improper quantity of semen are the main cause of male infertility commonly known as semen deficiency. Late night parties, incorrect lifestyle, heavy consumption of alcohol and tobacco are the other reasons.

What is Azoospermia?

There are a few typical problems of male infertility. Azoospermia is one of them. We investigate semen to decide quality and quantity of sperms. These tests can be performed in special laboratories. It is important to check the movement and strength of sperms. If the test reveals that sperms are totally absent in the semen, then it is called Azoospermia. The person is unable to produce mature sperms and hence, unable to fertilize the matured egg. Elevation in the body temperature is one of the major causes of this problem. Sperms are extremely sensitive towards temperature variation and slight increase in the temperature could kill them. Obstructions in the reproductive tract or deficiency of male hormones are the other reasons. The tests are usually comprehensive and cover multiple aspects like sperm testing, physical examination, ultrasound tests and investigation of blood.

We need to understand that infertility and impotence are two different things, though people misinterpret them. Impotence is the inability of making successful intercourse or inability to sustain erection. On the other hand, the man can do successful intercourse, but can’t fertilize matured egg.

The cure

Obstructive Azoospermia can be cured by surgical process. We diagnose the exact cause of obstruction and remove it. Semen test is performed after a few days of surgery. If the body is producing enough sperms, there is a high chance of pregnancy. However, the quality and quantity of the sperms are critical factors.

Sometimes the body produces adequate quantity of sperms, but it is not possible to remove the obstruction by surgical process. We use the process of sperm extraction and perform in-vitro fertilization. The fertilized embryos are transplanted in the uterus and the mother gives birth to their genetic baby after gestation period.

There are various alternative remedies suggested for the problem of Azoospermia with no obstruction in the male reproductive system. Herbal remedies and Homeopathic remedies are considered effective in treating this problem. It is difficult to prove the effectiveness of these treatments statistically. However, some people find the treatment effective.

Azoospermia is one of the main reasons of male infertility!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Tubal ligation reversal, the way to revert infertility

Tubal ligation reversal, the way to revert infertility

It is a well-known fact that infertility has become one of the biggest problems of the modern age. Statistics tell that more than 30% of the married couples are facing some or the other infertility problem, either temporarily or permanently. The treatment includes a series of surgical and medical processes incorporated at the infertility clinic. Age, genetic disorders, hormonal deficiencies and many other factors are responsible for infertility problems.Theoretically if a couple is unable to conceive after repeated trial for one year without contraceptives.

It is recommended that couples should always go for a credible infertility expert for investigation. When couples come to me, I always go methodically to understand the basic cause of infertility through detailed investigation. There are many reasons of infertility and the correct treatment can be chalked out after finding the basic cause.

Fallopian tubes are important part of female reproductive system. They connect the uterus and the ovaries. The process of fertilization occurs in fallopian tubes. These tubes act as a channel to move the ovum or fertilized egg. These tubes provide adequate environment for fertilization and conception. In case of tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are closed and eggs can’t traverse to the uterus. It is very obvious that conception can’t occur in such case.

There could be many reasons for the blockage like infection, inflammatory diseases in the pelvic region or by birth defects. Tubal ligation reversal procedure corrects the problem in the fallopian tube and makes the conception possible.

Tubal ligation is a popular way of permanent birth control as well. However, sometimes women want to reconnect the fallopian tubes. The reason could be anything; wish to have more babies, religious factors, etc.

The procedure

Tubal ligation procedure takes around three hours to complete. It is performed under general anesthesia. The patient needs to spend one to four days in the hospital, depending on recovery. Patients can resume the regular routine after two to four weeks. We work on the damaged/blocked fallopian tubes during the surgery. The blocked part is removed and reconnected. It is possible for the tubes to carry fertilized egg to the uterus.

We check the possibility of successful reversal of the fallopian tubes before undergoing surgical procedure. In some cases, the tubes are damaged very badly and it is not possible to restore them. The damage may be caused by earlier surgical process or it may be by birth as well.

The risks
In rare cases, there is infection, bleeding or damage to other organs caused by tubal ligation reversal procedure. Modern surgical techniques have made it quite easy and the latest procedures do not need general anesthesia as well. The process can be done under local anesthesia and there is no hospitalization required.

There is one major risk of ectopic pregnancy after the reversal procedure. In this pregnancy, the conception happens in the fallopian tube. It is extremely risky situation and immediate termination of pregnancy is needed. Close monitoring can detect the problem early.

Tubal Ligation Reversal is a great procedure to enhance chances of successful pregnancy.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Understanding Autoimmune infertility

Understanding Autoimmune infertility

Infertility is a reproductive disorder that affects the quality of life for enormous people across the globe. Statistically every one of 5 couples undergoes some kind of infertility treatment in the journey of the life. Countless causes are there for this nasty problem. It is sometimes difficult for an experienced infertility expert like me to trace out the exact reason. Gynecological disorders, infectious diseases, aging problem and endocrine disorders could cause infertility in women.

Autoimmune infertility is one of the most complicated cases and it needs tremendous efforts to cure it. It is one of the unexplained cases of infertility and it is needed to set up the normal functioning of the immune system and balance of the body to regain the fertility levels. Autoimmune disorders like thyroid problem, diabetes and erythematosis are usually linked to the infertility problem. Even PCOS, premature ovarian problems and endometriosis can also be linked to the autoimmune infertility problems. It goes without saying that the treatment takes very long time and even after putting greatest efforts, sometimes there is no success achieved.

In a typical autoimmune infertility, there is an inflammation seen in the uterus or there are antibodies formed against the reproductive hormones. Sometimes clotting happens in the reproductive organs like ovaries. All these are result of a natural reaction of the body against pregnancy. Body treats the embryo or ovulation process as “enemy” and tries to destroy it as quickly as possible. Among innumerable reasons, the most prominent are:

a) Killer cells: It is very peculiar process of the body where special cells get developed. These cells interrupt the growth of embryo. It results in abnormal termination of pregnancy. Studies show that these cells consider embryo as foreign body and therefore destroy it as the natural reaction they are programmed for.

b) Thyroid related problems: Thyroid disease cause anti-thyroid antibodies developed in the body. Researches show that thyroid problem has a close connection with infertility issues. They cut the response of fertility treatment and make the drugs less effective. It increases chances of miscarriage.

c) Disorders related to blood clotting: In some cases, special antibodies are responsible for unexplained infertility. These antibodies prevent blood clotting and affect the reproductive system. Recurrent miscarriages and abnormal termination of pregnancy are the outcome of these disorders. There is no exact cause of this problem found so far.

d) Endometriosis: It is the commonest problem of unexplained infertility. There are different types of cytokines developed in the body. They cause problems in the normal reproductive process and cause disruption and abnormal termination. According to studies, more than 50% women had auto antibodies developed to make the problem worse.

e) Folate Metabolism: It causes various risk factors and complications in the pregnancy process. Genetic mutation is also seen in many cases where the problem became worse. This disorder causes inflammation, reduction in the cell division process, abnormal termination and abortion. It is impossible to attain full-term pregnancy.

There are various reasons behind autoimmune infertility. Sometimes they are not curable and the couple has to go for other options like adoption or surrogacy.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Vitamins to treat menopause

Vitamins to treat menopause

Menopause is a major turning point in the life of women. Different women face different discomforts during this period and there are no set remedies for the problems. We normally treat based on symptoms and the problem gets sorted as the hormonal imbalance is over. Hot flushes or sweating is the most common symptom. Mood swings, depression and emotional burst-outs are other common complaints.

Insomnia, weight gain, headache and body ache are the other symptoms. Some women complain about body ache and osteoporosis as well. Loss of sexual drive and dryness in vagina is also one of the most talked problem during this period.

There are various treatments suggested for menopause and it is completely trial and error process to find out what actually works for you. Vitamin supplements work very well for some women. They contain enough quantity of vitamins, minerals and the other essential elements. They also provide energy to the body and women who are not overweight can take the supplements based on milk products and chocolate. The basic vitamins like A, B, C, D and E help in boosting the metabolism. The minerals and other nutrients supply energy to the body and rebuild the strength.

These supplements are helpful in reducing the pre-menopause and post-menopause symptoms. They reduce the harmful effects and help the body in dealing with the condition of reduced estrogen and progesterone levels.
Vitamins and their effect on menopause problems

Various vitamins help the body in various ways to deal with this problem.

• Vitamin D: We always recommend vitamin D for women. Especially in the countries where the exposure to direct sunlight is least, it is mandatory to take vitamin D supplements. According to the RDA recommendations, women are supposed to take at least 1000 IU of vitamin D daily. The quantity becomes 2000 IU if medical examination reveals that the woman is suffering from vitamin D deficiency. It is equally important to include calcium in the daily diet plan. Vitamin D and calcium work hand in hand to regain the structural power and correct menopause related problems.

• Vitamin E: We recommend at least 800IU daily to overcome menopause related problems. It controls the problem of hot flushes considerably. It relieves from the distress and fatigue and acts as an antioxidant. It controls the aging effect and reduces free radicals in the body.

• Iron and Vitamin C: Just like Calcium and Vitamin D, we recommend Iron and Vitamin C together. According to international standards, it is mandatory to take 20mg iron daily up to the age of 50. The quantity can be reduced to 10mg after that.

• Vitamin B: Mood swings are the most common symptoms after hot flushes. During menopause women feel drastic emotional changes. There are moments of depression and agony. Vitamin B helps greatly to overcome this problem. However, since there are many variants of Vitamin B we recommend Vitamin B complex supplement to the patients. It is an excellent treatment to control the fatigue and irritations during menopause.
Replenish the body with vitamins and face the challenges of menopause easily.