Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Chemicals and infertility problem

Chemicals and infertility problem

Infertility is a multi-faceted problem and I always suggest the patients to look at it from all possible angles. There are some strange things related to it and you can’t think about it in the wildest of imagination. Counseling and regular meetings show many hidden aspects. Extensive research work has been done to understand the different aspects of infertility, but everyday something or the other comes out that is strange and unbelievable. Would you believe that household items like shampoo, clothes, perfumes and detergent powders may have any relation with the infertility problems? It is hard to believe, but true. There is certain correlation between some chemicals and infertility problem.

What all could be dangerous?
Well, according to the research anything could be the stimulating reason for infertility problem. Food packaging, household chemicals and pesticides, clothes, shampoo and detergent powders, colors and strainers or even food items could trigger or aggravate infertility issues. However, it is too early to comment because not enough data available to set up the correlation exactly. Many people are doing research across the world to understand the effect of chemicals on infertility and initial findings set up the fact. It is relatively new topic and many things are still uncovered. There are innumerable chemicals we deal and hence, very specific study is required. The relationship of chemicals and infertility problem is a complex one with multiple facets.

The main culprits
Scientists have studied the groups of chemicals to pin point the fundamental cause of problem. Two groups have been identified so far:

a) Per Fluoro Octane Sulfonate (PFOS): They supposedly affect the immune system, liver and reproductive system in human beings. Researches show that even the slightest presence of PFOS in blood could affect the hormones that govern the pregnancy process.
b) Per Fluoro Octanoate (PFO): PFO are equally hazardous chemicals and they also affect the reproduction system and pregnancy adversely. Studies conducted on the pregnant women with presence of PFO in the blood underlined the relation between abnormal termination of the pregnancy and these chemicals.

The study
According to the recent study, the women were divided into two groups. In one group, there was significantly high level of these chemicals. The other group contained relatively lower levels. Analysts found that the chances of abnormal termination increased with the increase in the chemical presence. At the same time, there were higher chances of termination where the chemical was low in percentage. It clearly indicates that these chemicals can cause major harm to the pregnancy and reproduction process.

It is a significant finding about the direct correlation between harmful chemicals and infertility. Today we have so many chemical-based products around and there is always a possibility of some other chemicals also affect the reproduction system. As an infertility expert, I am required to understand this aspect as well. Probing about the lifestyle and occupation gives fair idea about the possibility of chemical exposure. Specific treatment is needed to correct the damage caused by harmful toxins.

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