Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Alternate treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome

Alternate treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome

There is a lot of buzz about PCOS (polycystic ovarian disease) and its relationship with infertility. So many patients every year come to me for the treatment of infertility and there is always a great fear about PCOS in their mind. In fact, many times it is baseless and the fundamental cause of infertility is something else. Nevertheless, it is a statistical fact that around 10% of the women face PCOS or similar problem at some point of their life. It does not mean that all of them face infertility problems. Very few of them need to go for infertility treatment.

PCOS is actually not a disease, but it is a syndrome that means a set of symptoms. Difficulty to get pregnant is just one of the problems and there can be more serious implications of it. Acne, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycle and even type-2 diabetes can also be triggered by it. We treat PCOS with medicines, but there are some alternate methods have also proven effective in treating the ailment. These methods aid to the medication and help recovering the problem quickly.

a) Diet planning: Well, that does not mean irrational control of food intake. Rather, it is a structured and planned way of eating healthy and beneficial food. Females suffering from the problem of PCOS should eat less carbohydrates and high protein. Eating seafood, nuts, eggs and chicken is highly recommended. It is a bright idea to consume organic food because it is free from chemicals and preservatives. Omega fatty acids are remarkable in achieving good health. Plenty of fish, seeds and walnuts should be included in the daily diet.

b) Food supplements: Although we do not recommend food supplements and always insist on balanced diet, but in exceptional cases like PCOS they are required. Multivitamin supplements and mineral tablets help greatly in establishing the balance of hormones. It corrects the fundamental cause of the problem and helps greatly in faster recovery. Vitamin supplements, zinc and magnesium are a few effective substances in the treatment of PCOS.

c) Reducing weight: Yes, overweight adds fuel in the fire. It is always better to lose a few pounds to correct the metabolism and hormonal levels.

d) Herbs and naturopathy: Some people believe in natural drugs, herbs and the other methods of naturopathy. There are some cases where significance improvement is seen by these natural remedies. It is said that Ginseng and Chaste tree helps greatly in treating PCOS. It normalizes the functions of hormonal glands that produce progesterone.

e) Acupuncture and acupressure: A lot has been talked about these two therapies and many people believe in it. However, there has not been much clinically proven about their authenticity. People claim that there is incredible improvement in PCOS after the treatment.
Alternative treatment of PCOS is a matter of personal belief and some of the methods are based on personal experience only. However, there are many evidences of women getting benefited by these methods. It needs to be experimented along with the regular medication.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Chemicals and infertility problem

Chemicals and infertility problem

Infertility is a multi-faceted problem and I always suggest the patients to look at it from all possible angles. There are some strange things related to it and you can’t think about it in the wildest of imagination. Counseling and regular meetings show many hidden aspects. Extensive research work has been done to understand the different aspects of infertility, but everyday something or the other comes out that is strange and unbelievable. Would you believe that household items like shampoo, clothes, perfumes and detergent powders may have any relation with the infertility problems? It is hard to believe, but true. There is certain correlation between some chemicals and infertility problem.

What all could be dangerous?
Well, according to the research anything could be the stimulating reason for infertility problem. Food packaging, household chemicals and pesticides, clothes, shampoo and detergent powders, colors and strainers or even food items could trigger or aggravate infertility issues. However, it is too early to comment because not enough data available to set up the correlation exactly. Many people are doing research across the world to understand the effect of chemicals on infertility and initial findings set up the fact. It is relatively new topic and many things are still uncovered. There are innumerable chemicals we deal and hence, very specific study is required. The relationship of chemicals and infertility problem is a complex one with multiple facets.

The main culprits
Scientists have studied the groups of chemicals to pin point the fundamental cause of problem. Two groups have been identified so far:

a) Per Fluoro Octane Sulfonate (PFOS): They supposedly affect the immune system, liver and reproductive system in human beings. Researches show that even the slightest presence of PFOS in blood could affect the hormones that govern the pregnancy process.
b) Per Fluoro Octanoate (PFO): PFO are equally hazardous chemicals and they also affect the reproduction system and pregnancy adversely. Studies conducted on the pregnant women with presence of PFO in the blood underlined the relation between abnormal termination of the pregnancy and these chemicals.

The study
According to the recent study, the women were divided into two groups. In one group, there was significantly high level of these chemicals. The other group contained relatively lower levels. Analysts found that the chances of abnormal termination increased with the increase in the chemical presence. At the same time, there were higher chances of termination where the chemical was low in percentage. It clearly indicates that these chemicals can cause major harm to the pregnancy and reproduction process.

It is a significant finding about the direct correlation between harmful chemicals and infertility. Today we have so many chemical-based products around and there is always a possibility of some other chemicals also affect the reproduction system. As an infertility expert, I am required to understand this aspect as well. Probing about the lifestyle and occupation gives fair idea about the possibility of chemical exposure. Specific treatment is needed to correct the damage caused by harmful toxins.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Boosting female fertility

Boosting female fertility

It is really a tough challenge to manage the expectation of couples when they come with infertility problems. All wish to get pregnant as early as possible and want success in the first attempt. However, it is not really possible because there are hundreds of permutation and combination of infertility problems. However an infertility expert like me always work on elimination method and by removing the unrelated factors, I quickly reach to the fundamental cause. Female infertility contributes to almost one-third of the total infertility cases. The percentage is quite high and over and above that, there are many reasons for female infertility. It is more common after the age of 35, but in some cases female infertility has been observed in very young age as well.

Although we always treat infertility with the best of drugs available, the supportive methods help in boosting the female infertility.Good food provides adequate energy and strength to fight against ailments. There are some foods help in boosting the fertility levels as well. Meet an expert dietitian and get the diet chart prepared.

Some common and effective tips are:

a) Regular exercise: Exercise increases the metabolic level and removes the toxins from the body. If the woman is overweight, then it is a main cause for infertility. Exercise helps in reducing the weight and stress level. It boosts the female fertility level greatly.

b) Balanced diet: Diet full of nutritional elements like vitamins and minerals help in energizing the body. They also remove the free radicals and intoxication in the body. Fruits and vegetables that contain high amount of Zinc can help in boosting female fertility level. Oysters are ideal in such condition. Whole grains are high in nutritional level and help in making the ovulation process regular. They build-up the body and increase strength and fitness as well. Whole grains are rich in complex carbohydrates that give energy to the body. Rich protein diet helps in building strength and boosting the fertility level. Iron and folic acid make the reproductive system strong and increase the female fertility level.It is recommended drinking plenty of water.

c) Basal body temperature: It is the best technique to assess the right time of ovulation and increase the probability of getting success in conception.

d) Reducing the consumption of nicotine and alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol affect the nervous system and reproductive system. They also affect the hormonal balance and therefore, it is better to lower or quit the bad habits of smoking and drinking. The fertility level boost dramatically in a short time after leaving these bad habits.

e) Reducing stress level: Stress is the biggest reason that decreases the fertility level. Reduce stress by meditation, positive thinking, breathing exercises and Yoga.

f) Avoid exposure to chemicals and pesticides: It has been proved that chemicals and pesticides affect the female fertility level and there are long-lasting and dangerous after-effects of frequent exposure.

These tips help boosting female fertility level and achieving success in pregnancy. We need to put multiple efforts to defeat the problem of infertility by adopting them in an effective way!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Smoking, the prime cause for lower sperm count

Smoking, the prime cause for lower sperm count

When infertile couples come to me for treatment, it is the first and foremost task to know about their lifestyle. It is certainly important because there are so many factors related to lifestyle and habits cause infertility problems in men and women. I spend significant time in talking to them, understanding the miner and finer points of their habits. Consumption of nicotine is a common habit. It has direct correlation with infertility problem. Smoking causes various health ailments, some of them are fatal.

Smoking is bad for health from all the aspects, including fertility. There has been a clear correlation found between smoking and male infertility. It affects almost every aspect of the sperm and semen and thereby reduces the chances of conception.

The problem

Smoking is an addictive problem and therefore it shows as increasing trend of consumption. Prolonged addiction to smoking causes devastating effects. Excessive smoking increases the level of toxins in the body that subsequently causes damage to male fertility.

a)  Affects the concentration of sperms: Smoking reduces the number of sperms per milliliter. It is a critical aspect for conception because out of millions of sperms, only a few are able to reach up to the matured egg.  In case of lower concentration of sperms, conception becomes difficult. Studies have indicated that there is as high as 25% decrease in the number of sperms due to excessive smoking.

b)  Motility of the sperms: Motility means the capability to swim across the uterus for penetration. Only swift and strong sperms can reach to the egg. Researchers say that prolonged smoking can drop the motility levels up to 15%. It is a significant drop and drastically reduces the chances of pregnancy.

c)  Morphology (shape) of the sperm:  Shape and size of the sperms are critical aspects for fertility. Sperms with improper shape can't swim properly and can't reach to the matured egg. Studies indicate that smokers have lesser number of well-shaped sperms compared to non-smokers.

d)  Imbalance in the fertility hormones: Hormones are important to determine the fertility levels. Excessive smoking causes imbalance in the hormone levels and affects the chances of successful pregnancy.  The imbalance affects quantity and quality of the sperms.

The solution

I explain the ill-effects of smoking to the would be parents and convince to quit the bad habit immediately. I call professional counselors to emphasize and underline the dangers of smoking. Audio-visual presentations, slideshows and movies explain the topic in detail.

Leaving the bad habit is the first step towards correcting the problem.  It stops further damage to the body. Cleansing harmful toxins from the body is the next step. Hormonal treatment is given to boost the fertility level. Vitamin supplements are prescribed to the patients so that fertility levels can be improved. Vitamin B12, C, E and zinc supplements improve it significantly. Proper treatment corrects the problem quickly and expected results can be achieved.

There is a clear correlation between smoking and male infertility therefore, it is better to quit the bad habit!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Ignorance of sex and infertility

Ignorance of sex and infertility

It is important to talk to infertile couples before starting the treatment. It gives better insight about the problem and helps in deciding the right line of action. It is quite surprising, but true that still there are large number of infertility cases are contributed by lack of knowledge about the sex and sexual process. In spite of the exposure and education about it, there are many couples do not know the fundamentals of intercourse and conception!

There are many cases I have handled where infertile couples are required to undergo hymenectomy (the process of removing hymen surgically) in order to make the pregnancy possible. The couples have been indulged in regular sex, without understanding that it is not possible to conceive unless the sperm reaches to the uterus. The social structure, treating sex a taboo and absence of sex-education are the fundamental causes.

Another important factor is the frequency of sex. According to the medical definition, infertility is determined only if frequent unprotected sex for six to twelve months doesn't achieve pregnancy. Couples come for infertility treatment after trying for two to three months. In the modern times, marriages are happening quite late and the overall fertility level has decreased due to various factors. In the changing scenario, we suggest the couples to wait for at least 18 months and then come for infertility treatment.

Stress and lack of knowledge kills the sex life of newlywed couples. The frequency of sex is decreasing due to excessive work pressures and improper lifestyle. Late night parties, working in shifts and phone calls and conference calls kill the privacy and there are lesser opportunities available for sexual intimacy. Couples think that they are infertile and need treatment. It leads to temporary inability to make love and sometimes it is misinterpreted as infertility. It actually doesn't require any treatment because it is not actually a problem. It needs spending time with each other and understand the emotional needs.

It is a fact that ignorance of sexual knowledge was a main cause of infertility earlier as well, but the new generation is more open towards it. They discuss the problems frankly and work towards the resolution. It is quite helpful to discuss the problem at length so that appropriate solution can be opted.

There is one more aspect that leads to infertility, denial of fertility. You will find it strange, but there are many cases where conception does not happen just because women presume that they can't conceive. Career, education and the other aspirations keep pregnancy at the last priority. Strangely, mind make-up leads to physiological infertility and conception does not happen. This problem is quite persistent nowadays especially among the next generation couple where career and financial stability is more important as compared to extending the family.

Ignorance of sex contributes greatly in the infertility problem and we infertility experts need to spend a lot of energy and time in treating such cases. Counseling and step-by-step sex education helps a lot in treating the problem. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Herbs to boost male fertility level

Herbs to boost male fertility level

According to research, almost one-third of the cases are contributed by male infertility, but it is more critical and complicated to handle. Insufficient sperm count, poor sperm quality and less mobility of sperms are the major causes. Physiological problems like blockage in the testicles or prostate related problems also responsible for male infertility problem. Infertility experts like me try to find out the root cause of infertility problem and treat it up to the maximum possible manner. There are many alternative medicines and herbs are considered effective for infertility problems, especially male infertility. The top six herbs very useful in male infertility are:

a) Ginseng: It is a popular herb that is considered useful in male infertility issues. This Chinese medicine is popular from centuries. It boosts the hormonal secretion and corrects the hormonal imbalance. The level of testosterone is responsible for sperm production. The impact of Ginseng is there to boost sperm mobility and count.

b) Shilajit : This is an Indian herb and considered effective for male infertility problems from the ancient times. It is found in the Himalaya mountain range. It is a sticky black substance that is used in medicines to correct the ailments. It is a general tonic also to improve overall health condition and immune system. Shilajit gives power to the nerves that carry sperms. Regular consumption of Shilajit creates miracle in male infertility problems.

c) Saw Palemotto: Saw Palemotto acts as natural steroid and boosts the male reproductive system. It accelerates the hormonal secretion and in turn improves the quality and quantity of sperms. This herb is considered good to treat prostate problems as well. It gives strength to the body and helps in recovering from weakness caused by illness.

d) Maritime Pine Bark : Pine contains high quantity of antioxidants to correct the problem of male infertility. Antioxidants are effective to arrest the free radicals in the body that cause various ailments. It boosts the resistance power to improve the health condition. Male infertility is caused due to internal weakness and Pine Bark is useful for overcoming it.

e) Musli : It is an Indian herb that is considered effective in treating male infertility. It is popular from centuries in the traditional Indian medicines. It gives strength to the nerves and increases mobility of the sperms. According to traditional Indian medicine it is more effective if taken during the winter season when the body attains maximum vitality.

f) Flaxseed oil: Flaxseed oil improves the sperm count and increases the chances of conception. It is considered very effective in improving the strength of the body. It controls the nervous system and nourishes the reproductive system. Flaxseed oil corrects impotency problems.

Traditional drugs and herbs are considered effective for male infertility problems. Although modern medical science has different methods of treating it, many people believe these traditional methods. There should be in-depth research and study conducted to assess the effectiveness and use of herbs for infertility treatment. The ancient knowledge has to be checked and proved on the modern medical standards.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Food for Infertility

Food for Infertility

Infertility problem is a complex condition and there is no fixed formula for success. Every case is unique and therefore, needs unique solution. There are multiple parameters that are responsible for it. Physiological problems, genetic disorders, lifestyle, stress, exposure to toxins and chemicals could cause infertility problem.

There is a common question asked to infertility experts. Can incorrect food habits cause infertility? If yes, then what food can cure it?  What should be consumed and in what quantity?

I would say it is quite tricky question. We need to understand that infertility is a resultant factor of many problems and therefore, food habits and lifestyle certainly affects it. Excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol, processed and refined food, excess weight and lack of exercise could aggravate the problem. There is certainly no â€Å“Super food” that can cure infertility problem instantly, but eating proper food and making corrective changes in the lifestyle could improve the fertility levels gradually.

Food that can help in curing infertility

There has been extensive research done across the globe to understand the correlation between food and infertility. Some food items have shown significant improvement.

a)  Antioxidants:  Antioxidants have immense power to correct the disorders and they help in curing infertility too. Eating food rich with antioxidants or taking supplements is good to get rid of free radicals. These are the elements that cause damage to the sperm or cause low production of the sperms.  Free radicals cause serious health problems in the body and hence, should be removed from the body. Raw fruits and vegetables especially sweet potatoes, spinach, blueberries, tomatoes, carrots, mangoes, oranges and fish, etc. are rich source of antioxidants.  It is better to eat food in raw form because excessive coking would destroy many of them.

b)  Vitamins and minerals: Food rich in vitamins and minerals help greatly in curing infertility problem. Vitamins boost secretion of hormones that are favorable for fertility. It is always better to supply vitamins and minerals to the body naturally by eating foods and vegetables in ample amount. However, vitamin supplements are prescribed by infertility experts in case of extreme deficiency in the body. Vitamin A, B, C, D and B-12 along with Zinc and folic acids are helpful in enhancing fertility in the body.

c)  Protein rich diet: Protein is essential for the growth and it also provides energy and resistance against ailments. Protein rich diet boosts the fertility levels. Liver, fish, poultry, dark red lean beef, salmon and tuna are excellent sources of protein. Veggies need not feel frustrated because they can fulfill the protein deficiency by consuming milk and milk products, beans, soybean, pulses, peanuts and corn. It gives inner strength to the body and boost fertility levels.

These are general guidelines. You need to consult a dietitian before making changes in the diet pattern along with the infertility expert. They will discuss and chalk-out the perfect plan for you. Reducing weight, quitting alcohol and tobacco and adopting correct lifestyle will enhance the impact of food and nutrients

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Thyroid problem and infertility

Thyroid problem and infertility

Infertility is a problem that is invisible to the society. You will be astonished to know that almost 20% couples are facing infertility issues. It means one of every five couples go to infertility experts for treatment. Almost one third of these cases are contributed by male partners and the same are because of their better half. Remaining one-third cases are termed as unexplained infertility problem where exact cause is unknown.

Out of the many causes of infertility problems, thyroid related issues are quite prominent and therefore,one should take it seriously.

Thyroid and infertility

There is a direct relation of thyroid gland and infertility problem. When couples come to me for infertility treatment, thyroid test is included in the list of primary tests that I prescribe. Thyroxin hormone secreted by Thyroid gland is responsible for the proper functioning of cells in our body.

It is a case when thyroid gland does not produce adequate amount of hormones. We call it Hypothyroidism in the medical terminology. There is a direct correlation of thyroid problem and infertility in women. There are issues like autoimmune disorders or pituitary gland disorders than can cause hypothyroidism. It leads to the problem of infertility.

Undiagnosed or untreated Thyroid disease can cause miscarriages, problems in conception, abnormalities in the fetus or lower fertility levels. Abnormal levels of Thyroid can cause havoc to the female reproductive system. Lower progesterone level, ovulation problems and the other reproductive disorders can occur due to that.

Due to the ill-effects of thyroid problem on the ovulation cycle, it is not possible to determine the exact time for fertilization. Thyroid problem can also cause irregular or heavy menstrual periods, lower sex drive or recurrent miscarriages. In case of males it causes erectile malfunction or low quality of sperms due to low testosterone level. All these are directly responsible for infertility.

Special diagnostics are required

Unfortunately thyroid problem can't be revealed in the routine blood examination and in 80 percent cases; it gets surfaced only when there are specific tests for thyroid like TSH are conducted. It is important that the infertility experts are vigilant enough to suggest for advanced thyroid tests as soon as there is slightest of doubt about it.

Symptoms and cure

The symptoms of thyroid problems are quite misleading and therefore, often ignored by the patients and the infertility experts. Weight gain, joint pain, muscular pain, fatigue, sleeplessness are some of the symptoms.

To cure the problem, it is necessary to know the hormone level by doing TSH blood test, x-ray examination of the chest and T4 or Thyroxin test. Medication can correct the thyroxin levels in the body, but the treatment will require four to six months to correct the problem.Reduction of weight, taking adequate sleep and rest, avoiding stress and tension and regular exercise could boost the effects of medicines.

It is a big challenge for us to identify reasons for infertility in men and women. We ate supposed to look into every aspect carefully because any of them could be the cause.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Weight-gain during infertility treatment

Weight-gain during infertility treatment

Being an infertility expert, I need to answer various questions asked by the patients. There is a frequent question about the relation of weight and infertility. I always suggest my patients to lose a few pounds to increase the chances of pregnancy. They agree to it, work hard and come back with a young and charming personality. However, the things go wrong with the infertility treatment. As we move forward female patients see the weighing scale showing upward trend in later months!

Strange, isn't it? Infertility treatment certainly increases weight because of multiple reasons.

Depression: Women do not agree to it because they don't realize it either. However, it is a fact that depression of not getting pregnant triggers overeating and later weight gain. The urge to eat more, especially sweet substance is quite common during infertility treatment.
Drugs: Infertility treatment is a complex procedure where multiple rounds of drugs are given to control hormonal secretion. Weight gain is a side-effect of some of the drugs. It is inevitable and therefore, can't be controlled.

IVF procedures: Sometimes womensee a lot of weight gain during IVF procedure. Nevertheless, it is a temporary phenomenon that you should ignore. It is mainly because of extra fluid accumulated in the body that goes away with the next menstruation cycle.

Feeling of joy: Couples are in a state of utter disappointment when they start infertile treatment. As we move forward positivity tends to increase and they feel quite comfortable. In some females, it triggers eating temptation and they tend to eat more. It results in phenomenal weight gain during the infertility treatment!
The way out!

Surely it is a tough task to cut weight during infertility treatment, but not an impossible one certainly.

There is nothing much can be done for the weight gain due to medication. However, reducing the daily calorie intake and consuming less sodium could help greatly. Fruits and vegetables with high potassium content, fish and lean meat and a daily exercise are also important. Light aerobic exercises and walking is also equally useful. You need to be cautious about not giving unnecessary strain to the body.

Weight gain due to excessive eating can be easily controlled. Reducing the stress level would control the urge of eating. Brisk walking, light exercise and meditation help significantly. Breathing exercises and Yoga would calm the mind and body. It is always recommended that the exercise should be light and easy. Weight-training and heavy aerobic exercises should be avoided completely.

Make a support system: It is extremely important to create a support system. It helps in reducing the stress level. Sharing the experiences of infertility treatment is effective in reducing the trauma and agony. It will help in controlling the temptation and eating drives.

Weight gain is a common problem after infertility treatment. It can be avoided by conscious and serious efforts. Individual temperament and personal traits play major role in getting success. Females with strong will-power and determination can reduce the extra pounds gained during infertility treatment.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Vitamins to improve sperm quality

Vitamins to improve sperm quality

Around one third of infertility cases are contributed by the male partners. Among various aspects of male infertility, sperm quality is a significant one. Sperms cause fertilization and the quality and quantity of sperms determine the success ratio of fertilization. For successful penetration, there should be adequate quantity of healthy sperms reach to the uterus.

Causes of low quality sperm

There are various causes of lower quality of sperm in men. A complex process causes sperm production in the body. Pituitary and hypothalamus glands trigger specific hormones to produce sperms. Malfunctioning of these two glands, infections, physiological problems abnormality in the seminal fluid, obesity, exposure to chemical or radioactive substance and genetic defects are some of the prime causes of low sperm quality in men.

The treatment

As an infertility expert, I need to look into the case minutely before deciding the treatment. Diagnostic plays an important role in deciding the correct line of action. There are various treatments to improve the quality of sperms and they are quite effective as well. Vitamins are very important in treating male infertility caused by low quality of semen.  Balanced diet, correct lifestyle, adequate exercise and vitamin supplements can cause miracles and we can see significant improvement in the sperm quality. Vitamins that can bring great improvement are:

a) Vitamin C: It is most vital amino acid that helps in correcting the damage caused to male productive system. Vitamin C reduces the damage caused at the DNA level and corrects the abnormalities. It also helps in combating against the ill-effects of pollution and toxins. Regular intake of vitamin C improves the quality and quantity of sperms in the semen.

b) Vitamin E: Studies have indicated significant correlation between Vitamin E and fertility in men.  It helps in improving the inner strength and correcting the hormonal disorder. However, we examine the patients thoroughly before prescribing Vitamin E because it may cause harm in the patients having anemia, liver problems or high blood pressure.

c) Zinc: The importance of Zinc is sure in human reproduction system. Even a mild deficiency of Zinc can cause lower sperm count. It boosts the testosterone level, the male hormone responsible for reproduction. However, one must take Zinc supplements under infertility experts surveillance.

d) Vitamin B-12: Excessive smoking and regular consumption of processed and refined food cause deficiency of Vitamin B-12 and B-complex. It causes lower testosterone levels and lower quality of sperms. Supplements taken under consultation of infertility expert can improve the condition dramatically.

e) Vitamin A: Vitamin A is one of the important, but it is better to take in the multi-vitamin tablet form. Vitamin A is vital in increasing the production of sperm and enhancing the quality.

It is not enough to take vitamin supplements only. I discuss with the couple about the problem at-length and suggest them to change the lifestyle. Increasing consumption of natural and raw food, taking adequate sleep, quitting tobacco and alcohol and reducing stress levels helps a lot. These changes boost the effect of vitamin supplements and major improvement can be seen!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Vitamin E and fertility

Vitamin E and fertility

Vitamins and minerals are important for the health and well-being of human body. Health ailments are often caused by deficiency of one or the other vitamins in the body. Infertility is one of the biggest problems in the modern age. When I treat infertility problem of a couple, the approach is always to look at the problem from all the perspectives. This is because infertility problem might be just a symptom to some other cause. Regular exercise, good food habits and proper lifestyle helps in maintaining better vitality in the body. There is no need to take food supplements and vitamin tablets.

Removing the root cause of the problem may boost the fertility levels significantly. Checking for vitamin deficiency is one of the important aspects during infertility treatment. I prescribe additional vitamin to bridge the gap.

Role of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is greatly beneficial for the body. It improves the health of heart and brain. It also keeps the respiratory system and blood circulation in correct order. It is an antioxidant and controls the free radicals.

Vitamin E is found in the food items like nuts, spinach, apricots and sunflower seeds. There has been significant correlation found between infertility problem and Vitamin E. Experts tell that it helps in maintaining male and female fertility levels.

Vitamin E and male fertility

Male infertility problems are caused mainly due to sperm related issues. Inadequate quantity and quality of the sperms causes lesser probability of conception. Free radicals are toxins that cause harm to the sperms and also affect hormonal secretion. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant to control the free radicals. Taking Vitamin E rich diet and supplements help a lot. Combining it with Vitamin B, E, Zinc and beta carotene brings synergized effect.

Vitamin E is soluble in fat and therefore, it reaches to the layers of body fats and membranes. It gets attached to the free radicals. Studies have indicated high improvement in the sperm count by regular intake of Vitamin E. It promotes mobility and strength of the sperm and enhances the flexibility of sperm cells. It is a non-toxic and safe treatment for male infertility problems.

Vitamin E and female fertility

Although researches have indicated apparent benefit of Vitamin E on male infertility problems, but their role in treating female infertility is equally prominent. Regular consumption of Vitamin E increases the amount of cervical mucuos and there are better chances of sperm reaching to the mature egg. It corrects the defects of eggs. It boosts the hormone levels in females and thus increases the chances of conception.

There have not been sufficient evidence about the correlation of Vitamin E and female fertility; it is surely beneficial by boosting the hormonal secretion and controlling the free radicals that could cause miscarriages and immature termination of pregnancy. Research and studies will reveal many unknown things about vitamin E for infertility treatment.

As an infertility expert I always undergo vitamin deficiency tests for my patients and execute the treatment plan accordingly. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

The fear factor during infertility treatment

The fear factor during infertility treatment

Every case of infertility that I treat is a new challenge. Couples come to me with immense hope and belief. They have already seen quite a bad time and now look forward to an end to it. Undoubtedly, I also work hard to resolve their problem. However, the process of infertility treatment is a long journey and there are various moments of sorrow and joy for us. There is always the third color of emotion and that is, the feeling of fear!

The horror factor

When couples come for the first time to discuss infertility problem, their temperament is quite timid and nervous. The first thing that I am supposed to deal is immense frustration! Why me? This is perhaps the question that has been asked maximum number of times in my consulting room!

As I proceed further, the frustration turns into assurance and hope. Couples feel that neither they are the only couple facing this problem, nor the problem is incurable. The procedures of infertility treatment impose a fear factor in the minds of my patients. The fear of unknown and the fear of failure! They do not like to think about it, can't stop either. They feel that this kind of failure cuts much deeper as compared to the natural pregnancy. The efforts of getting pregnant through a series of invasive treatments, medicines and intravenous drugs, tests and ultrasounds are undergone with just one hope of getting pregnant. What if it doesn't happen, a great disappointment?

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Mini-IVF, the shortcut method of success

Mini-IVF, the shortcut method of success

It is quite a difficult task for me to explain the requirement of a particular procedure to my patients during the infertility treatment. They are so much aware nowadays with the popularity and availability of information on the internet. For example, a couple recently insisted for MS-IVF, a shortcut alternative to the traditional IVF with certain limitations. The case was not ideal for MS-IVF and I succeeded ultimately in explaining the suitability of traditional IVF to them. However, it took a great amount of time and energy in doing that.

The process is also known as Mini IVF or even Micro IVF, the more stylish names! Fundamentally this procedure uses lesser hormonal stimulation and equivalent lesser monitoring and laboratory work, reduced risk to hyper stimulation syndrome and fewer chances of multiple pregnancies. The procedure is quite inexpensive as well.

The advantage

MS-IVF is especially suitable option to achieve conception with some distinct advantages:

It is especially a better option for older patients where Gonadotropin stimulation is not much helpful. As women grow older, there is a reduction in the number of follicles and eggs.  I have observed that the yield of eggs in MS-IVF is as good as complete IVF stimulation.

There is a risk of hyper stimulation of ovaries in some women. In my opinion MS-IVF is the best procedure It has the minimum risk of over stimulation and problematic pregnancy with reasonable high success probability.

The process requires much lesser time for egg retrieval and hence it can be performed under local anesthesia. It lowers the discomfort, time and obviously a lot of cost as well.

Some patients do not like the idea of cryopreservation of embryo that is a mandatory process in traditional IVF. In this case, only one or two follicles are extracted and all are used for transplantation.
There would be an obvious question crop up in the mind that why clinics do not offer Micro IVF instead of complete IVF program, if it is so much effective? Well, there are two reasons. Firstly, the success rate of complete IVF is almost double as compared to Micro IVF. Secondly, they are not counted two different procedures statistically. Obviously lower success rate of Micro IVF would lower down the overall success rate of IVF procedure in an infertility clinic. Nobody would like to drop the success rate of a clinic because it is one of the major parameters considered by the patients before joining an infertility program.

For me, obviously the welfare of my patients takes the front seat. I would never recommend a procedure that is unnecessary or may harm the patient’s health. While the objective is always to achieve a successful pregnancy, I would always weigh the negative aspects and then take the appropriate decision.  My endeavor is always to take the best and most cost effective decision with the maximum probability of building a family. I always wish that IVF brings the safest successful pregnancy to the couple desperately waiting for it!