Monday, 4 June 2012

Boost IVF Success Rate

New Test to Boost IVF Success Rate on the Anvil

Scientists at Oxford University are working on a new test that could boost the IVF success rate from a single cycle of treatment to nearly 100 percent.

The researchers are analyzing two markers that cause pregnancies to fail and are also checking out chromosomal abnormalities in the developing embryo. The researchers hope that their study will help boost the IVF success rates from the present 30 percent mark to nearly 100 percent.

The study’s importance has already been acknowledged by the scientific community with the researchers being winning a prize from the US Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Led by Dr Dagan Wells, the test involves checking the five-day old embryos for abnormalities and only those which are found to be healthy are considered to be suitable for IVF transfer.

The researchers said that such a step will improve the IVF success rate to over 70 percent. “If you transfer to the uterus embryos that are confirmed to be chromosomally normal and develop well, reaching the blastocyst stage, the chance of producing a child is very high, about 70%. But that still leaves 30% that don't make it. Why? We need a better understanding of the biology, allowing us to bridge that gap and approach 100% success”, Dr Wells said.

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