Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Life During Menopause

Life During Women Menopause

Menopause is a different period in a women's life when her periods eventually stops and her body goes through a series of changes which no longer allow her to conceive and to get pregnant. It is a biological and natural phenomena that occurs in every women's life usually between the age of 45 -55.
Biologically menopause occurs in females when the level of hormones like estrogen and progesterone fall down and their body no longer produces eggs. Menopause can be a time of great emotional or physical change which can overwhelm you significantly if you aren't sure what to expect in this phase of life. The periods don’t stop all of a sudden, they gradually stop over the time. Initially your menstrual periods start occurring less often and after some time, they eventually stop.
Menopause results in the decline in the release of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, and because of this, a women can face several uncomfortable physical problems but it is unlikely that every women would face the same kind of issues.

Problems and changes during menopause

  • Night Sweats and Hot Flushes
Most of the women experience sudden hot flushes where she may feel very hot suddenly, and in turn she may feel like opening all the windows of the house butin the next minute she may feel a certain shivering sensation. During hot flushes a women may experience night sweats that can disturb her sleep pattern.
  • Pains and Aches
The reduced level of estrogen may lead to pain and aches in the body. A women may experience muscular pains, joint pains, headaches or backaches.
  • Insomnia
The reduced levels of estrogen may disturb your sleep pattern. A women may also feel depressed during this period.
  • Tiredness
Due to disturbed night sleep and lack of sleep owing to sweating at night, a woman can feel exhausted and tired during the day.
  • Loss of vaginal elasticity
During menopause a women may face painful or uncomfortable intercourses due to thinning of vaginal walls which may cause loss of elasticity and dryness.
  • Some women also face symptoms like palpitation, swollen ankles, dizziness etc.

Apart from various physical problems there are certain emotional issues also that a women may encounter. However, some women face no emotional changes whatsoever during this period, but for others this may be a period of great psychological distress. Some of the common emotional problems and changes include:

•    Poor concentration & memory
•    Panic attacks
•    Irritability, tearfulness, mood swings and depression
•    Significant decrease in sexual desire

A women should take greater care of herself to fight all the issues and problems caused by menopause. There are certain medical treatments available and you can consult your doctor for right treatment. Depending on the problems that you are facing you can work with your doctor to work out the best treatment that suits you.

Most of the women face depression during this transition period. If the depression, irritation and your mood swings are affecting your quality of life, following are steps to overcome this depression:

•    Get enough sleep because if you are sleep deprived the most simple problems will also affect you badly. So get enough amount of night sleep by avoiding  large meals, alcohol, caffeine or any sort of physical activity before going to bed. 
•    Engage yourself in any kind of physical activity that you like 5 - 6 times a week.
•    Read books, develop some hobby and try to stay as positive as you can in order to overcome daily stress. You can also try some relaxation techniques.
•    Don't keep your problems only to yourself but discuss them with your partner or friends so that you can feel relaxed & relieved.
•    You can ask your doctor for medicines or therapies that can reduce problems associated with menopause to certain extent.

Menopause comes with many problems but often after menopause, many women experience higher levels of satisfaction in all the aspects of their life. It can be a time when you can open many new doors for yourself. You must pamper yourself during this period and take very good care of yourself to avoid any sort of stress.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

IVF SURROGACY INDIA | IFC | Dr. Rita Bakshi: Pregnancy – Common Questions

IVF SURROGACY INDIA | IFC | Dr. Rita Bakshi: Pregnancy – Common Questions: Pregnancy is a stepping stone to marital bliss Q1. How early can I confirm my pregnancy with the urine test? Pregnancy can be confir...

Pregnancy – Common Questions

Pregnancy is a stepping stone to marital bliss
Q1. How early can I confirm my pregnancy with the urine test?
Pregnancy can be confirmed as early as day one of first missed periods, that 31-32 days after menses. It could be confirmed as early as 27-28 days after the menses by the Elisa method.

Q2. Can the urine test be wrong?
Most of the times it would be correct. It can be false ‘negative’ in pregnant women than levels of hCG are below the sensitivity level of the test (either in delayed conception or very dilute urine sample or unhealthy pregnancy). It can be ‘false positive’ in conditions, with hCG secretion other than pregnancy like trophoblastic disease.

Q3. Why is there vomiting in the early part of pregnancy?
Commonly called “morning sickness”, vomiting is mainly caused due to rapid rise in hormone (gonodatropins) in early pregnancy. The level of this hormone reduces after 3-4 months and apetite improves.

Q4. Are mood disturbances (mood swings) common in pregnancy? I feel very tired, sleepy, irritable depressed why?
These changes are very common due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy. Many women may find themselves going through periods of depression. They may experience frequent ups & downs in moods. Warn, communicate or tell your near & dear ones of how you feel, to avoid misunderstanding. It is normal passing phase & needs no treatment.

Q5. Why do leg cramps occur in pregnancy?
Leg cramps may occur suddenly in pregnancy and may be quite painful. They mostly occur in the last months of pregnancy. Sluggish blood circulation, lack of calcium & lack of vitamin B & E are thought to cause these cramps. 
Messaging the area when cramps occur is relieving. Also, point the toes inwards towards the face when the cramps occur. One can increase the intake of milk products, so that the body can get the much need calcium.

Exercise to help the blood circulation will also reduce the leg cramps.
Q6. ‘My first pregnancy was rough, with several serious complications. I am very nervous now that I am pregnant again’?
Once complicated pregnancy does not necessarily predict another complication. Often a woman who weathered high seas the first time around is rewarded with smooth sailing the next. If it was one time event, such as an infection or an accident, that caused the complications, then they are not likely recur if they were caused by lifestyle habits that you have now changed (such as smoking, drinking or using drugs).

Q7. ‘I had my last baby caesarean I am pregnant again & I am wondering what the chances are of my having a normal delivery’?
‘Once a caesarean always a caesarean was until very recently, an obstetrical edict engraved in stone, or rather in the uteruses of women who have had one or more surgical deliveries. Repeat caesarean should not be considered routine. Normal delivery after caesarean can be tried in many cases.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Increase Fertility Get Pregnant

Increase Fertility: 20 Tips on How to Get Pregnant

If you are trying to conceive then these simple fertility tips can help you conceive quickly. The feeling of being childless is absolutely frustrating and treatment for infertility is a long and tedious process. Chance of getting pregnant is higher through natural elements. Infertility has many aspects like male infertility, female infertility or even unknown fertility as well. “There are cases where there is no problem in either of the intended parents; still conception does not take place and then the root-cause is not known and the fundamental problem is unexplained and not defined”, points Dr.Rita Bakshi (Senior IVF Specialist & Senior Gynecologist), Chairperson, International Fertility Centre.

1-Have a good and balanced diet

Senior gynecologist, Dr. Rita reinforces the importance of a balanced diet to conceive, “Although it is something that is recommended for everybody, a well-balanced nutritional diet becomes all the more important for couples that have symptoms of unexplained infertility. Iron, calcium, folic acid, zinc and selenium, etc. are proven elements that are recognized as effective fertility boosters. Selenium, in particular helps a lot in increasing the quality and longevity of the male sperm, and zinc increases sperm count.”

She further adds, “Vitamins like B6 and C have very good impact on the female productivity. Experts prescribe supplementary drugs also but they strongly recommended taking these elements through balanced diet.”

2-Change the lifestyle to increase fertility

With years of experience under her belt Dr. Rita says, “I strongly believe on the effects of lifestyle on infertility, therefore at times I also involve psychological experts and counselors to suggest the same. Intended parents get tremendous help and guidelines from these counselors to make required changes in the way of living. Changing food habits, making alterations in the daily routine, positive thinking, meditation and quitting habits of tobacco and alcohol would help greatly help you conceive faster.” These lifestyle changes should be implemented even after pregnancy. After all healthy lifestyle ensures life without health problems.

If you are trying to conceive then these simple fertility tips can help you conceive quickly. The feeling of being childless is absolutely frustrating and treatment for infertility is a long and tedious process. Chance of getting pregnant is higher through natural elements. Infertility has many aspects like male infertility, female infertility or even unknown fertility as well. “There are cases where there is no problem in either of the intended parents; still conception does not take place and then the root-cause is not known and the fundamental problem is unexplained and not defined”, points Dr.Rita Bakshi (Senior IVF Specialist & Senior Gynecologist), Chairperson, International Fertility Centre

3-Consume milk, milk products and avoid soya bean

To increase fertility chances you should include milk and milk products in your diet. But there are few exceptions to the rule, “Increasing intake of protein will help tremendously by making positive impact on the reproduction system. However, research indicates that soya and soya based products harm the reproduction system inspite of being high in protein count. Increase natural oil contents, but avoid soya bean oil or cottonseed oil.”

4-Increase optimism

Increasing fertility is linked to the mind. Dr. Rita Bakshi from International Fertility Centre shares her thoughts, “I believe that extreme positivity helps a lot and couples with open and optimistic attitude have fair chances of getting a breakthrough. You must have complete faith in the experts, medicines and treatment to get desired results!”

5-Say NO to tobacco and liquor

As tempting as it may seem, avoid alcohol consumption and smoking, Dr. Rita explains, “Scientists have clear facts and figures regarding the relationship of tobacco, liquor and infertility. There is a misconception regarding the capability of these two elements to increase sexual ability, but reality is absolutely reverse.”

Alcohol and smokes lower your chances of conception, “The toxic elements in alcohol and tobacco have very serious impact on the sperm production, sperm quality and quantity, ovulation process and quality of eggs and overall sex life. Quitting harmful elements is the only option to help infertility.”

6-Have a sound sleep

There have been studies that clearly show the correlation between lack of sound sleep and infertility. If you are a party animal or an all-nighter, then you ought to know that lack of sleep makes fundamental changes to the hormone levels thereby increasing the chances of infertility.

Scientists say that those who have inadequate sleep over a long period of time can face various health related problems, including low fertility rates. Lack of sleep affects the hormonal balance in the body that is one of the major reasons for infertility.

7-Mr and Mrs Sunshine

Sunlight increases fertility in both males and females by increasing levels of Vitamin D. Studies reveal Vitamin D spikes progesterone and estrogen, both are female sex hormones. These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle and making you fertile. For males sunlight is good to increase sperm count.


According to a large study, following over 18,000 women who were trying to get pregnant, researchers found a correlation between taking a multivitamin supplement and having a lower chance of ovulation problems.

9-Exercise Regularly

Here is another reason why you should exercise regularly, Dr. Rita details out the importance of exercise to fertility. “Exercise is an important part of your life. It keeps the mind and body healthy and improves the overall condition. Fertility and sexual health does not depend directly on the level of exercise. However, there are indirect benefits attached to it. Physical fitness is necessary for a healthy lifestyle and adopting good practices help alot in regaining stamina and rejuvenating the energy level.”

“If your job puts you under alot of stress then you better take some time out and spend quality time with your family. Yoga is another form of exercise that can help you in reducing in stress, also meditation and breath-control exercises brings your mind to calm state and also reduces anxiety. Practicing these exercises consistently for a long time would surely help you a lot in treating the infertility problem.”

If you are trying to conceive then these simple fertility tips can help you conceive quickly. The feeling of being childless is absolutely frustrating and treatment for infertility is a long and tedious process. Chance of getting pregnant is higher through natural elements. Infertility has many aspects like male infertility, female infertility or even unknown fertility as well. “There are cases where there is no problem in either of the intended parents; still conception does not take place and then the root-cause is not known and the fundamental problem is unexplained and not defined”, points Dr.Rita Bakshi (Senior IVF Specialist & Senior Gynecologist), Chairperson, International Fertility Centre.rn*Images courtesy: © Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

10-Keep a diary

Keep a tab of your menstrual cycle, regularity of your menstrual calendar and also days when you are most fertile. There are several apps that cater to the needs of women, especially during that time of the month.

11-Indulge in sex

Sex keeps your sperms healthy. You are more likely to get pregnant if you indulge in sex twice or thrice a week than having it once a week. Also the quality of sperm drops if you do not indulge in sex for more than three days.

12-Weight Loss

When estrogen is produced by your body fat and not via the natural process, it confuses the ovulation cycle. Therefore, you will notice that fat women often complaint about irregular periods than their thinner counterparts. Loose at least 5 % of that fat and you can become pregnant too!

13-No Cuppa for you

Studies reveals that women who indulge in coffee everyday reduce their chances of being pregnant. According to doctors caffeine can reduce the activity of the fallopian tube muscles which carry the eggs from the ovaries.

14-Healthy is not being skinny

Your body’s capability to produce eggs decreases if you are very thin. This is because the body doesn’t have the amount of fat to retain a healthy pregnancy.

15-Time is king!

If you want to be pregnant, have sex when you are most fertile. In a 28 day cycle, your most fertile days are 10 and 17. It's all about timing!

16-Say no to painkillers

If you are popping combiflams and paracetemols at the time of ovulation, you are hampering your chances of being pregnant. They may reduce the hormones that help release eggs into the fallopian tube.

17-Stay Cool

Cool environment is important for the production of sperms. Men with laptops on their laps all the time reduce fertility levels; also men should avoid hot water baths.  In fact a study revealed that when men switched to cold shower baths their sperm production spiked upto five times.

18-Water baby

It’s a golden remedy to almost all health problems in the world. Water helps in creating healthy egg follicles and strong blood supply to the womb lining.

19-Clean up

Women who are hard working and indulge in house cleaning, moderate speed exercises and stretching are more likely to get pregnant. Exercise and physical activities prevents the body from making insulin which is harmful for the development of eggs.

20-Oily Fish

A few studies reveal that Omega 3 rich foods (found in oil rich fishes) reduce the chances of miscarriage and improve sperm quality. These essential fats are crucial for healthy hormone functioning. 

Friday, 15 March 2013

Women Suffer More Migraine Headache Then Men

 Are Women more prone?

Women are three times more likely to suffer from migraine than men, say doctors. “It’s because the hormonal changes a women’s body goes through tend to trigger a migraine headache. This principally involves the sharp decline in estrogen, the release of prostaglandins, and a deficiency in magnesium during the menstrual cycle, “says gynaecologist  Dr Rita Bakshi. “Migraines are also a common side effect of taking oral contraceptives and typically improve with continuous usage of oral contraceptives over time, “adds Dr Bakshi.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Exercise Cause Infertility

Can Excessive Exercise Cause Infertility?

Exercise is one of the most integral and fundamental aspects of the life. It keeps your mind and body healthy, and improves the overall condition. Scientists and research associates have done immense study to understand the effect of exercise on the overall health and have found clear-cut correlation. Fertility and sexual health does not depend directly on the level of exercise. However, too much of a good thing can also be bad.

Livestrong puts it as Amenorrhea, it is a condition “when a women of normal reproductive age does not experience a menstrual cycle for three months or more. Long-term excessive exercise combined with not enough food is a common cause of amenorrhea. If you cannot reduce your training volume, you need to increase your caloric intake if you wish to conceive.”

Care2.com substantiates this with a Danish study done in March 2012, looked at 3,600 women who were trying to get pregnant. They were grouped according to their BMI, and their exercise habits were monitored. “The researchers found that in normal weight women, too much strenuous exercise could cause delays in conception. The study came out in the journal Fertility and Sterility, and it found that depending on your current BMI, exercise can impact your fertility in different ways. Moderate exercise, like walking or gardening, can actually boost your fertility, regardless of your BMI. In normal-weight women, however, more vigorous exercise may make it harder to conceive.”

It is also true that obesity can increase the risk of infertility; when your obese body is overheated which is bad for your sexual life. Women exercising for a long duration can also affect their estrogen levels.

Male Fertility

In case of males, exercise may reduce sperm counts. Long-term exhaustive exercises decreases sperm count and your potential for reproduction. On the other hand, heavy resistance training works antagonistically. Heavy resistance training actually increase the production of testosterone, which can exhibit a secondary effect on other hormones that contribute to fertility in men.

What to do?

Don’t despair my marathon-running friends! If you’re trying to get pregnant but can't, you don’t necessarily have to ditch those running shoes. What we recommend is when you exercise do it in moderation as that it is more important than vigorous workouts. Too much will take away the energy that you require for a successful pregnancy. Don’t over exert yourself and keep a check. Try to make your lifestyle disciplined and systematic by making a timetable of exercise, rest, diet plan and proper sleeping routine. 

As for your diet, opt for at least 20 percent fat if not closer to 35 percent may be optimal for those wishing to conceive. This will also help offset the caloric demands of exercise.