Thursday, 24 January 2013



The following information has been specially prepared to help you understand the procedure & to make your visit a pleasant one.


Medical ultrasound for diagnostic imaging employs sound waves in the range of 3-12 Mhz. The ultrasound probe emits & receives echoes. When placed on body, the echoes from area are depicted on the ultrasound monitor. This enables to see & examine the organs.
To optimize transmission of the sound wave, gel is applied over the specific body part to ensure good contact with the ultrasound probe.


Ultrasound is used widely in all developed countries for diagnostic imaging. Ultrasound can be performed on many parts of the body such as pelvis, liver, kidneys, breasts etc. your doctor will order the required scan.


Ultrasound waves are nonionizingradiation, unlike X-rays.
Research has shown that there are no harmful effects associated with the medical use of ultrasound.


There are two main methods of performing a pelvis ultrasound examination:
  • Trans-abdominal scan
  • Trans-vaginal scan
The pelvic ultrasound scan is performed by a specially trained health care professional called a sonographer or by a doctor.
For the trans-abdominal scan, you will be required to lie on the couch. Warm gel is applied over the lower abdomen & an ultrasound probe is placed on the gel to enable ultrasonic probe is placed on the gel to enable ultrasonic scanning of the region.
For the trans-vaginal scan, a specially designed probe with double protective covering, is lubricated with gel & inserted into the vagina. The sonographer or doctor may need o put a cushion to elevate the buttock for your comfort & ease of scanning.
Most of the time a vaginal scan should not be painful. The discomfort, if any, is similar to that in a Pap smear.
The entire examination (trans-abdominal scan + trans-vaginal scan) is usually completed within half an hour, but may occasional be extended.


For women who have had sexual experience, we recommend both the trans-abdominal& trans-vaginal scans for a thorough examination.  Each of these scans has its advantages. The abdominal approach offers a broad view of the entire pelvic. The trans-vaginal approach provides better visualization as the transducer is brought closer to the area being examined, thus improving the accuracy of the results.
For virgins, usually only a trans-abdominal scan is performed. Occasionally, we may offer a trans-rectal scan (with the probe inserted through the anus), if necessary.


A full bladder is required for trans-abdominal scan. To ensure a successful examination, it is important that you follow these preparatory steps :
  • 1st drink (200 ml) : 1 hour before the scan
  • 2nd drink (200 ml) : 45 mins before the scan
  • 3rd drink (200 ml) : 30 mins before the scan.
Do not go to the toilet or empty your bladder.
If you find it difficult to hold a full bladder, please alert your counter staff or queue coordinator.
There is no special preparation for trans-vaginal scan. You may be required to empty your bladder prior to scan.


Pelvic sonography can be performed even when you are having menses, unless there are specific instructions from your doctor.


The examination does not require hospital admission. If you are hospitalized on the appointment day, please inform the ward staff to contact the department of Diagnostic Imaging about your appointment.


  1. Please inform the doctor or sonographer if you are allergic to latex (rubber), any medication or antiseptic lotions.
  2. Please do not any valuables, jewelry, or excessive cash with you during your appointment.

For more information kindly visit Ivf and Infertility Specialist Clinic in Delhi International Fertility Centre

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Infertility: The Emotional Roller Coaster


Infertility can alter nearly every aspect of a person’s life. Self-esteem, dreams for the future, & relationships with others may all be affected. There are only a few situations in life which are as challenging & overwhelming as infertility.

Yet the emotional aspects of infertility often go ignored & untreated.Because it is such a private issue, many couples do not share their experiences openly with friends & family. As a result, they feel isolated. But they are not alone. In fact, 10% of couples experience infertility with all the feelings & frustrations that may go with it.

Realization & Acknowledgment

Most couples expect to conceive shortly after they stop using birth control. But as time passes, concern begins to replace anticipation. Couples are likely to feel shock & dismay when they realize they aren’t able to conceive a child as easily as expected.Questions begin to haunt them: What if they never have children? Could they be sterile? These thoughts are so frightening that many couples deny the possibility of a fertility problem.
The following are some examples of the wide range of emotions couples often experience during the sometime difficult acknowledgement stage:
  • The woman is often the first to realize that there may be a problem.
  • The man may to be convinced that the couple needs medical intervention.
  • Feelings of fear, anger, denial, stress, guilt, blame, self-pity & jealousy begin to occur.
  • Emotions & disagreements become magnified. Issues take on greater importance than under “normal” circumstances.


  • Don’t be afraid to talk to others who had difficult conceiving. Their experiences will help you realize you are not alone. However, remember that your situation is not exactly like anyone else’s.
  • If you are over 35 & have been trying to conceive for six months or longer, or under 35 & trying for one year or more, consult your doctor immediately.
  • Be prepared for the fact that you & your partner may not experience the same feelings at the same time or in the same way.
  • Expect to feel a mixture of fear, relief, or anxiety when you consult a doctor.
  • Approach infertility with your partner as you would a new project. Map out a strategy & a timetable.
  • Try to keep the lines of communication open with your partner. This may not always be easy, but you need to support each other now, & communication is vital for this.
  • It is perfectly normal to feel frustrated & angry. Try to redirect your focus toward something positive such as favourite hobby or a new activity.
Responding to early concerns about infertility can increase a couple’s chances for a successful outcome. The earlier a problem is identified, the sooner your physician can recommend a treatment program that is right for you.

Evaluation & Diagnosis

Most couples are searching for answers during this stage. Hopes of finding a quick solution may be replaced with uncertainty. The testing period can be stressful, invasive, & expensive, & couples may feel uncomfortable, guilty & even fearful. These are normal reactions to an overwhelming experience.
The following are the other examples of common feelings couples experience during the infertility evaluation:

Common Experiences

  • Loss of control. A sense that doctors & tests are taking over your life.
  • Anger of your body, your partner, or others who are pregnant or have children.
  • Self-punishment: “What did I did to deserve this?” “What could I have done differently?”
  • Threatened sense of sexuality.
  • Shame & embarrassment over not functioning “normally.”
  • Need for secrecy, resulting in isolation from friends & family.
  • Blame & guilt.
  • Lack of privacy due to invasive nature of tests.
  • Sense of being misunderstood by those who have children or are pregnant.
  • Shock, numbness, &/or relief when a problem is confirmed.

Coping Strategies

  • Read as much as you can about infertility, its causes, & treatments.
  • Communicate fears & emotions to your partner regularly.
  • Support one another, but understand that at times this will be difficult.
  • Acknowledge that periods of depression & anxiety may happen.
  • Cut down on stressful activities.
  • Allow yourself private time.
  • Try sharing your problem with supportive friends or family members.
  • Try going to doctors appointments together so you both understand what is happening.
  • Write down all your questions so you don’t forget to ask your doctor. (it’s normal to become nervous or side-tracked, & to forget to ask about something that concerns you.)

The evaluation can be traumatic time for both partners. Providing mutual emotional support can alleviate some of the stress & prevent distancing. It may even strengthen the relationship. The couple may find a new sense of security, as they realize they can truly depend on each other despite the uncertainties they face. Infertility is couple’s problem, & it’s best to approach it as a team.


Most couples feel that infertility dominates their lives at this point. Freedom & spontaneity seem to be treasures of the past.
It is normal for couples to feel as if they are riding on emotional roller coaster, hope at the start of the treatment, disappointment & mourning when a cycle fails. They are often exhausted & frustrated with the demands of therapy & may feel undermined or dehumanized.
The following are examples of common feelings couples experience during treatment:

Common Experience

  • Anger at infertility for ruling everyday life.
  • Frustration over treatments that don’t guarantee a baby, despite the time, emotional energy, & money spent.
  • Anger at the inequity if infertility treatment. In most cases, women carry more of the burden.
  • Feeling of victimization by doctors, technology, & medication.
  • Uncertainty about the side effects of the medications.
  • A heightened sense of sensitivity & vulnerability.
  • The feeling that intercourse if a chore & a battleground for many negative emotions.
  • Growing anxiety over the financial cost.
  • Frustration over the financial cost.
  • Frustration over the inability to make short & long-term plans.
  • Self-punishment: “May I don’t deserve to have a child.”
  • Blame: “If only we’d done this or that, then we’d have a baby.”

  • Take the long view. Set up a timetable for treatment & live by it as much as possible.
  • Keep records of your treatments, paper work, etc. this will make it easier to pursue insurance coverage.
  • Don’t dwell on the short term ups & downs of treatment.
  • Don’t except your partner to always feel as you do. Share when you can, but don’t push it.
  • Consider the possibility of restructuring your life if treatment becomes overwhelming.
  • Try to live with baby-making sex. Don’t feel guilty about it. Sex may be automatic most times.
  • Make a date to have sex for fun during the “nonfertile” times of cycle.
  • Seek emotional support from a counselor or support group.
Going through treatment can be a peak stress point. Remember that you are not to blame for any apparent failure to respond the therapy. There is always hope & success may be achieved after considerable effort. Even in normal fertile couples, there is no guarantee to conceiving right away. A successful resolution can make it all worthwhile.

Many couples who have been through the experience of infertility say, “If I can get through this, I can get through anything.” The ability to get through such a demanding & often overwhelming experience leaves many couples with renewed self-esteem & a feeling of confidence. Reaching the resolution stage is an accomplishment within itself & has its own rewards. This can be a time of reordering priorities & changing goals.
Here are some common feelings couples experience as they work toward resolution:

Common Experience
  • Acceptance of things that cannot be changed.
  • Feelings of exhaustion & the need to move on.
  • Realization that not every aspect of life can be controlled.
  • A greater ability to empathize with other people’s problems.
  • Realization that good things can come out of bad experiences-such as a new sense of intimacy within marriage.
  • Realization that life can be fulfilling even for those who don’t fulfill every dream.

  • Talk to others who have successfully resolved their infertility in different ways.
  • Stop treatment before helplessness becomes uncontrollable.
  • Focus on your spouse & your relationship & get involved in meaningful activities together.
  • Realize that you may try to become pregnant in the future or choose to look into other alternatives, such as adoption.
  • If you & your partner continue to feel isolated from one another, consider couples counseling.
if you have been unsuccessful after a reasonable period of time, remember that you & your partner have a choice: You can continue seeking treatment or you can decide it is no longer a viable option. You can also choose to look at any obstacles as “opportunities.”


The infertility experience is an opportunity for many couples to face their fears & resolve important issues by working together as a couple. Whatever the result, this experience can create an opportunity to learn new communication & problem-solving skills & to grow closer to your partner.
Remember, also, that couples counseling can help many couples resolve any remaining regrets or resentments. In the end, you may find you share a new level of mutual respect & understanding. And you may find the ability to get through this together has opened new doors to the future & deepened your relationship in ways never before imagined.

With your own courage and strength, guidance and treatment of experienced doctors like Dr. Rita Bakshi and best medical facilities at centres like International Fertility Centre, we would make the journey of treatment smooth. Success is then guaranteed in the form of the sweetest and cutest baby in the world!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Your child may inherit more than just your looks


Genetic counseling is the consultation & advice provided by a doctor about the possibility of a child being born with an inherited disease or birth defect.

Some common genetic diseases are Down’s syndrome (mongolism), thalassaemia major, haemophilia& muscular dystrophy.



Genetic counseling is recommended if you are planning to have a baby & any of the following applies to you:
  • You or your spouse have a birth defect or genetic disease.
  • You or your spouse have a child, parent or close relative with a birth defect, genetic disease, or mental retardation.
  • You or your spouse are carrier of a genetic disease e.g. if you have the thalassaemia trait.
  • You are a woman above 35 years of age.
  • You are a woman who has had 3 or more miscarriages or still births.


You will be given an appointment to meet the counsellor.

The counsellor needs detailed information to diagnose the problem & give you the correct advice.
  • You will be asked about any pregnancies you may have had.
  • You & your children may be examined for signs of the disease.
  • Special tests may have to be done to help find out what is wrong.
  • Your spouse may also called for examination & special tests.

Once the problem is diagnosed, the counsellor will explain:
  • How the disease will affect a person & how it can be treated
  • Whether the disease is inherited & if so, how it passed from parent to child
  • The chances of the disease affecting the person or his/her children
  • The risk to future children if one child is already affected
  • If tests are available to find out whether an unborn child (in the womb) is affected.

All information exchanged during genetic counselling & the results of examinations & tests will be kept confidential.

For More Information Please Visit Ivf Specialist Clinic

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Freezing of Eggs and Preserving the Fertility

Egg Freezing And Fertility Preservation

There has been a lot of exploration in the field of freezing of eggs and preserving the fertility. Many times, the women do not want to become mothers and are depressed with the complications which might occur. But with the help of egg freezing, they can preserve their fertilization for the future. Similar concept of sperm freezing was even available in 1950 but it almost took 50 years for the concept of egg freezing to be available to people.

The first case which involved the pregnancy of a lady from a frozen egg was reported in 1986. But still until late 90s, the technique was available in very few centers of the world. Many of the studies and relevant data have been obtained from Italy and Italian studies. This technique is very helpful for the ladies who are aging and yet to find a man of their choice who could get them pregnant. These women can get help from various companies who provide services including the freezing of eggs for the future fertility chances. They enable the women to wait for the right guy with their frozen eggs which may be used whenever required. So women can go to them and have their eggs frozen and whenever they feel like getting pregnant, they may go back to them and get pregnant. But it is not as simple as it seems to be. Some women also oppose this technique.

Many women find this as deceptive by providing their eggs to companies and control their reproductive system. It ensures the women that there is no problem with them or reproductive system that means they can get pregnant whenever they want at least until when they are in late 30s or 40s. There are many complications which could be the result of egg freezing and various companies do not inform their clients about that. The eggs can be frozen and kept for long durations but more the time they are kept, the more is the risk of their not being good.

Women are told about the simplicity of getting their eggs frozen and kept but these complications must also be told to the clients so that they may take right decision. These problems can be found out by a Google search of this technique and women must observe all the scenarios before taking help of these companies. Most of the women are born with a certain number of eggs in their ovaries and once they are gone, they cannot be grown again. So, women must focus on the amount of eggs they have and the quality of it. Because once they are not the part of the body, their quality also degrades. Various aspects which must be taken care of by the women are as follows:
  • Their hormonal levels will experience many changes and they may or may not be wanted. There are many fertility drugs which may be used to restore the balance in hormones but it is never a sure. These may lead to problems which are unrecoverable. So, the decision must be taken very carefully after considering possible outcomes.
  • Menstrual cycles change and their frequencies also change as women age. It may also be affected when something unnatural is tried on the reproductive system of the body of a female.
  • There is a lining known as lining of the endometrium which becomes thinner and will be less responsive to fertile eggs. So, even if the eggs are kept are frozen state, one this state is achieved, the body will not even respond to those frozen eggs.
  • Vaginal and mucus secretions become less fluid and more hostile to sperm. These may not be necessary to be informed to women but must be for educational purposes so that there must not be any aspect left.
  • There may be reproductive diseases which can be caused by removing fertility eggs also. The companies must observe the health of women first and then suggest them whatever is right for their health.
  • When women age, their weight and lifestyle changes which may cause problems at a later stage of life to conceive the eggs and get pregnant.
  • The women of any age require a male of the same age group and if the women are aged they would require aged men too. But the quality of sperm decreases and the diseases in men increases with the increase in age which may cause a problem for the women to get pregnant and conceive a baby.

The technique of egg freezing is effective in some cases such as women are suffering from some disease like cancer which would affect the amount and quality of eggs in a woman. So, they can get their eggs removed before the disease has the effect on eggs which may be used later in life if possible. So, the egg freezing for fertility preservation is not good in all situations but only in a few. The eggs are frozen for a number of reasons. The process known as vitrification can be used to freeze the eggs and use in a later phase of time thus delaying the possibility of having a family. The outcomes of the procedures related to this technique are also being improved. There are many websites from which the information about these techniques can be obtained. The certain conditions which will encourage the women to get their freeze are as follows:
  • If they have not found the male of their choice and want to wait for him.
  • If women are suffering from any STD which may make them infertile.
  • If they are not ready to become a mother and want to preserve the eggs for future.

There are so many procedures which can be used by doctors to perform the process of egg freezing but women have the right to information. So, they must be told about every complication of the process so that they may decide well under different circumstances. Various web sites can be used to find about if Egg freezing  is effective in Preserving Fertility.