Relationship Between Obesity and Female Infertility
Obesity and Infertility have been linked together by several studies. But what is the precise relationship between obesity and
female infertility? And why do women who are obese have a greater risk of fertility and other pregnancy-related problems?
A person is defined as being obese if thirty per cent of her body weight is made up of fat tissue.
Obesity is linked to several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and infertility.
But how does obesity cause infertility? Dose Obesity Raises Risk of Miscarriage?
Obesity and Female Infertility, Risk of Miscarriage |
Obesity results in an increased production of estrogen; this hormonal imbalance in turn interferes with ovulation, which of course, is the basis of successful conception.
Obesity and women’s fertility are strongly related, as any woman with PCOS could tell you. New study from the UK, suggest a linkage between women’s body weight their ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term:
Overweight women undergoing fertility treatment have double the risk of miscarriage of normal weight women, a UK study says.
Obesity poses a greater risk to both maternal and fetal health during pregnancy. Studies show that obesity is associated with adverse consequences like malformation, still birth, gestational diabetes, and the need for a cesarean delivery. Multiple studies show that pregnant women who are overweight and given to greater change in body weight during the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to have lengthier and more complicated deliveries.
More than a third of overweight and obese women had a miscarriage compared with one in five of normal weight women.
Evidence supports a casual relationship between obesity and adverse pregnancy outcome. It is a warning for women to drop weight to the standard recommended level. By doing so, they can avoid miscarriage, both sporadic as well as recurrent.
There are many options available in treating obesity |
Treating Obesity |
Women who have had a miscarriage earlier are at a greater risk of having one again, if they are obese. Women who are overweight should be counseled regarding the benefits of weight loss. They should lose weight before embarking on a pregnancy, to minimize risk of a miscarriage. This should be done under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist. Women with BMI of over 35 have more than double the risk of a miscarriage.
Previous research has shown that women who conceive naturally are also at a higher risk if they are overweight. Obesity is a known risk factor for ovulation problems, but it also contributes to infertility in women who ovulate normally.
There are many options available in treating obesity, such as:
1. Altering your diet. Avoid foods that are high in saturated or trans fats or that are high in sugar. Enrich your diet with whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean sources of protein.
2. Exercise regularly. Even moderate forms of exercise, such as walking or low-impact aerobics, can lead to healthy weight loss.
3. Gastric bypass surgery. Many people who are obese turn to surgery in order to reduce their appetites.
Always consult your physician on any of the above obesity treatments.
The issue of obesity and reproduction is complex, and
fertility specialist is only beginning to understand it.
If you are above 35 and you have been through or experiencing infertility and Obesity, come share your experiences with us. For more information on being obese or overweight and how it affects your pregnancy,
Contact US.